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How to Get Rid of Carpenter Bees Wd40

  • WD 40 is a popular penetrating oil and water-displacing spray recognized by the famous blue and yellow can. This spray serves us for plenty of domestic purposes. It's present in many households, and it's common to believe it can be effective in dealing with pest by repelling or killing insects.
  • This article introduces you to the carpenter bees' customs and life style. The posts content shows also effective chemical traps and methods to get rid of carpenter bees from your house and garden.
  • Since many people use WD 40 spray to deal with carpenter bees, we discovered ways to put it into practice. Read how to make these insects stay away and find out tips to construct traps if these pests already live in your wood. After reading these posts, getting rid of carpenter bees in your house or garden will have no secrets from you.

For starters, let's tackle the main terms.

What are carpenter bees, and what is W-40?

Carpenter bees—what are they?

Carpenter bees are large, black bees, commonly hovering around the outside of their homes.

Their carpenter related name comes from their habit of excavating holes in wood—they rear their youngsters there.

The adults of carpenter bees overwinter individually in brood tunnels they constructed previously.

Those that happily survive the winter emerge and mate the following spring.

So we will notice them around our precious wood, usually in the spring.

Later in the summer, the new generation of adult bees emerges in the environment and forages of flowers.

They'll return to wood in the fall for hibernation.

WD40—What does it serve for?

WD 40 spray has plenty of uses and is believed to respond to almost every house hold issue!

WD 40 is a popular penetrating oil and water-displacing spray. Its principal use is lubrication and moisture protection solution.

The exact formula of this spray is a company secret, but in its percentual menu, it contains:

  • 50% aliphatic hydrocarbons,
  • 25% petroleum-based oil,
  • 12-18% low vapor pressure aliphatic hydrocarbon, and
  • 2-3% carbon dioxide;

Since oils from WD 40 spray have very low viscosity, they stick to surfaces. This feature makes WD 40 perfect for protecting and lubricating mechanical parts.

On the other hand, WD 40 also gets water or moisture from places they shouldn't be. The chemical structures of this spray also loosen stubborn and rusted parts like screws, bolts, and jammed zippers.

Will WD40 handle our "stubborn" carpenter bees as well?

Let's view the posts below to find it out.

Getting rid of carpenter bees

Unfortunately, carpenter bees can cause extensive damage to wood.

Thus, finding a protection solution is necessary—these insects are pests.

Untreated carpenter bees nests can do a lot of harm, for example, to your house's deck.

A multitude of bee hole caused by this pest is an important reason to worry. Especially if the wood they live in makes an essential part of the structure of your home.

The best method to get rid of bees insects is to call professional service.

Source a carpenter bee treatment to have it done well and protect your house for the future.

Otherwise, you can try to use WD 40 to fight the carpenter bee problem.

The fundamental question is: Will WD40 kill carpenter bees?

Although there are several other effective methods to get rid of carpenter bees, many people believe that WD 40 is the effective tip in that field: both in the killing and protective categories.

Spraying WD40 to wood, according to many house owners, can drive away carpenter bees or kill them.

Let's see how to be effective in tackling this well-known liquid for pest control.

Get rid of carpenter bees with WD40

Keep in mind that you will cause a carpenter bee to die if it's directly exposed to the chemicals of the WD 40 spray solution.

Many of the compounds of WD40 are very harmful to insects.

Important: Petroleum-based oil is highly toxic to insects. It's so poisonous to carpenter bees it's being studied to become a new option for pest control. Most oil-based pesticides are used for insect control.

Carpenter bees depend primarily on their sense of smell.

This feature makes them susceptible to smells: they steer away from varnish and paint and get highly attracted to sugar.

WD 40 scent is likely to cause carpenter bees to stay away from the piece of wood where you used it for protection.

Using WD40 to get rid of carpenter bees is a piece of cake.

If you plan to repel the bees—spray WD 40 over the vulnerable wood in your home.

Start doing it at the beginning of spring—you're more likely to deter the female bees from nesting on your property.

Otherwise, if the carpenter bees are already inside the wood you're trying to protect, take the following steps:

1. Put on your protective gear (i.e., gloves) and inspect your home for bee nests. You'll recognize them by the ½-inch holes drilled into the wood.

2. Spray the nest—fill it with the lubricant.

3. Then, seal the hole with steel wool. WD 40 spray comes with its own straw—you can stick it into the nest.

4. Repeat this method for 2 to 3 days. Do it until you notice no movement inside the wood.

5. In the end, cover the hole with caulk and coat it with some paint or varnish to keep future bees out.

Important: Read safety precautions before you use WD40.

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How to Get Rid of Carpenter Bees Wd40
