Asked By: Neil Gray Date: created: Jan 10 2022

How did PAP die

Answered By: Jaden Garcia Date: created: Jan 11 2022

Pap–Pap gets killed in a poker game, probably for cheating.

His body is found when Huck and Jim board the house floating down the river.

Jim covers up the body and keeps Pap's death a secret from Huck until later in the novel..

Asked By: Jayden Baker Date: created: Jul 03 2021

Why did Huck sell his fortune

Answered By: Oliver Murphy Date: created: Jul 04 2021

Why does Huck sell his fortune to Judge Thatcher? He wants money to bet on a horse. He wants money to buy a boat. He decides to live without worldly possessions.

Asked By: Jack Foster Date: created: Sep 12 2021

What was it that Huck afraid of

Answered By: Joshua Wright Date: created: Sep 15 2021

He doesn't really have a fear of hell, he's just rather indifferent about it. He's more into being with Tom. Later, after he tears up the letter that he wrote to Miss Watson telling her where Jim was, he proclaims, "All right then, I'll go to Hell!".

Asked By: Austin Brooks Date: created: Jun 05 2021

Is Huck Finn still taught in school

Answered By: Aaron Clark Date: created: Jun 06 2021

US school stops teaching Huckleberry Finn because of 'use of the N-word' Mark Twain's novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn has been removed from the curriculum at a school in Philadelphia after its administration decided that "the community costs of reading this book in 11th grade outweigh the literary benefits".

Asked By: Kevin Lee Date: created: Aug 09 2021

Why does Jim tell Huck not look at the dead man's face

Answered By: Miguel Young Date: created: Aug 11 2021

Just as Jim predicted in Chapter 8, a large storm comes. … Inside the house, Jim sees a dead man and instructs Huck not to look at the dead man's face because " . . . it's too gashly." Avoiding the body, they search the house and find an "old speckled straw hat," among the clothes, bottles, and other household items.

Asked By: Joseph Bell Date: created: Jan 14 2022

Why does Huck dress up like a girl

Answered By: Francis Clark Date: created: Jan 16 2022

Huck is bored, and wants to go into town to see what is going on. He dresses as a girl, and this is how he finds out that the town believes that Jim killed Huck and is now offering a $300.00 reward for him. They are going to search the island for him.

Asked By: Fred Martinez Date: created: Feb 01 2022

Is Huck Finn black

Answered By: Justin Butler Date: created: Feb 03 2022

Jim is a mature adult black slave who has fled; "Huck," a 13-year-old white boy, joins him in spite of his own conventional understanding and the law. …

Asked By: George Thomas Date: created: May 22 2022

When Huck found Jim Jim was afraid of Huck because

Answered By: Cyrus Campbell Date: created: May 24 2022

29. Why was Jim afraid of Huck? Jim was afraid of Huck because Jim thought that Huck was dead or a ghost.

Asked By: Sean Brooks Date: created: Sep 29 2022

Why Huck Finn should not be taught in schools

Answered By: Julian Rivera Date: created: Sep 30 2022

The book teaches friendship between two people that are unlikely to be friends because of their race in that time period." A few reasons that people think Huck Finn shouldn't be taught in school is because it deals with racial issues, and it contains poor language.

Asked By: James Jackson Date: created: Aug 23 2022

Why is PAP upset with Huck

Answered By: Oswald Roberts Date: created: Aug 26 2022

Pap is an abusive drunkard who channels his anger at the world into violence against his son. His main motivations in the book are jealousy, greed, and alcoholism. He feels intensely jealous of Huck for his fortune, and he wants access to that money so that he can fuel his drinking problem.

Asked By: Jayden Rogers Date: created: Sep 12 2022

What does PAP do to Huck

Answered By: Horace Robinson Date: created: Sep 14 2022

Pap kidnaps Huck and locks him up in a cabin outside of town. He locks Huck inside whenever he leaves, and there is no widow big enough for Huck for climb out of. Pap continues to drink heavily, and often he goes into drunken frenzies. On one occasion, he goes into a paranoid rage and beats Huck severely.

Asked By: Angel Smith Date: created: Jul 12 2022

What happened to Huck Finn's dad

Answered By: Jack Cook Date: created: Jul 15 2022

In the novel, Huck and Jim find the body of Huck's father in a floating house on the river, shot in the back, but the identity of his murderer is never revealed.

Asked By: Julian Barnes Date: created: Oct 06 2022

Who does Pap think is the Angel of Death

Answered By: Lucas Patterson Date: created: Oct 08 2022

HuckEventually both Pap and Huck fall asleep, and Huck wakes up to find Pap screaming about snakes and calling Huck the "Angel of Death." Upon discovering Pap, Huck's first thoughts are of the beatings that Pap used to give him. When Huck sees Pap's appearance, however, he immediately is put at ease.

Asked By: Alexander Stewart Date: created: Jul 26 2022

Why does Huck want to save Jim Turner

Answered By: Henry Jones Date: created: Jul 29 2022

Huck wants to save Jim because he is a fiercely loyal person who does not run out on his friends.

Asked By: Martin Foster Date: created: Jun 12 2021

Is Tom Sawyer a true story

Answered By: Jeffery Mitchell Date: created: Jun 12 2021

The author published The Adventures of Tom Sawyer in 1876, saying the character was based on three boys. He later said that he himself was the inspiration behind the character, and that Tom Sawyer "was not the real name … of any person I ever knew, so far as I can remember".

Asked By: Jose Smith Date: created: Aug 21 2021

How does PAP feel about Huck going to school

Answered By: Peter King Date: created: Aug 21 2021

How does Pap feel about Huck going to school? … He wants him to stop going immediately because he does not want Huck to be smarter than him.

Asked By: Ethan Rodriguez Date: created: Sep 23 2022

Why does Huck kill the pig

Answered By: Charles Cook Date: created: Sep 23 2022

Why does Huck kill the pig? As Huck prepares to escape, he wishes Tom Sawyer were there. "I knowed he would take an interest in this kind of business, and throw in the fancy touches." How are Huck's preparations different from those Tom would make? Tom would have been more elaborate and creative.

Asked By: Chase Rodriguez Date: created: Dec 04 2021

Where is PAP at the end of Chapter 4

Answered By: Alan Hernandez Date: created: Dec 06 2021

Huck's roomWhere is Pap at the end of the chapter? At the end of the chapter, Pap is in Huck's room. Waiting for him.

Asked By: Nathan Barnes Date: created: Jul 14 2021

Who is Huck Finn's boss

Answered By: Fred Garcia Date: created: Jul 15 2021

PapLife With Pap Pap decides that no one but him will be the boss of Huckleberry Finn, and he lies in wait for Huck. Pap catches Huck and brings him across the river to the Illinois side.

Asked By: Adam Martin Date: created: Jul 02 2022

Where is Huck Finn banned

Answered By: Roger Kelly Date: created: Jul 04 2022

Concord, MassachusettsHuckleberry Finn banned immediately after publication Immediately after publication, the book was banned on the recommendation of public commissioners in Concord, Massachusetts, who described it as racist, coarse, trashy, inelegant, irreligious, obsolete, inaccurate, and mindless.

Asked By: Neil Foster Date: created: Sep 28 2022

Why Huck Finn belongs in the classroom

Answered By: John Jones Date: created: Sep 28 2022

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn belongs in the classroom because of the accurate portrayal of history, themes, and Jim's character in the book. These things are important and should be taught in the high school curriculum. The story of Huckleberry Finn belongs in the classroom, because of the history in the book.

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Why Does Huck Go To See Judge Thatcher?

Who is Judge Thatcher in Huck Finn? Judge Thatcher The local judge who shares responsibility for Huck with the Widow Douglas and is in charge of safeguarding the money that Huck and Tom found at the end of Tom Sawyer.. What was it that Huck afraid of? He doesn't really have a fear of hell, he's just rather indifferent about it. He's more into being with Tom. Later, after he tears up the letter that he wrote to Miss Watson telling her where Jim was, he proclaims, "All right then, I'll go to Hell!". How does Huck fake his own death? Whenever Pap goes out, he locks Huck in the cabin, and when he returns home drunk, he beats the boy. Tired of his confinement and fearing the beatings will worsen, Huck escapes from Pap by faking his own death, killing a pig and spreading its blood all over the…

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Question: What Is The Moral Lesson Of Huckleberry Finn?

What is the message of Huckleberry Finn? What Huck and Jim seek is freedom, and this freedom is sharply contrasted with the existing civilization along the great river.This conflict between freedom and orderly civilization forms the overarching theme of the novel.. Where do moral values come from in Huckleberry Finn? Morality is a major theme in this novel. Huck's conscience and his actions show us his morality. I think that Twain shows that moral values come from the community, the family, the church, and one's experiences. What is the main plot of Huckleberry Finn? The plot of Huckleberry Finn tells the story of two characters' attempts to emancipate themselves. Huck desires to break free from the constraints of society, both physical and mental, while Jim is fleeing a life of literal enslavement. Why is Huck homeless? From the beginning of the novel, Twain makes it clear that Huck is a…

David Ward


Question: Why Does Huck Kill The Pig?

Why is PAP upset with Huck? Pap is an abusive drunkard who channels his anger at the world into violence against his son.His main motivations in the book are jealousy, greed, and alcoholism.He feels intensely jealous of Huck for his fortune, and he wants access to that money so that he can fuel his drinking problem.. Why does Jim run away from Miss Watson? 1) Why does Jim run away? Jim runs away after he overhears Miss Watson threatening to sell him to a buyer in New Orleans. ... Second, Jim's emphasis on the exchange of money indicates his resentment at being treated like property. Who is suspected of killing Huck? Summary: Chapter 11 Huck introduces himself as "Sarah Williams" from Hookerville. The woman chatters about a variety of subjects and eventually gets to the topic of Huck's murder. She reveals that Pap was a suspect and that some townspeople…

Aidan Johnson


Question: Who Kidnapped Huck?

Why does PAP kidnap Huck? His physical abuse and his greed put Huck in constant fear for his physical safety and for his financial security.When Pap reappears in St.Petersburg, he uses the courts to try to get Huck's money, and he kidnaps Huck and holds him prisoner.. Who takes Huck? The GrangerfordsThe Grangerfords A family that takes Huck in after a steamboat hits his raft, separating him from Jim. How did Pap Finn die? Pap--Pap gets killed in a poker game, probably for cheating. His body is found when Huck and Jim board the house floating down the river. Jim covers up the body and keeps Pap's death a secret from Huck until later in the novel. Is Huck Finn black? Jim is a mature adult black slave who has fled; "Huck," a 13-year-old white boy, joins him in spite of his own conventional understanding and the law. ... Is…

Landon Perry


Quick Answer: What Are The Themes Of Huckleberry Finn?

Is Tom Sawyer or Huckleberry Finn better? Huck Finn.It's just a better story, more of an adventure, and more mature....Huck Finn.Tom Sawyer sets this up nicely, and it's a fun book, but it really comes of as a young adult novel where Huck tackles more grown-up themes.. What is the main theme of Huckleberry Finn? The primary theme of the novel is the conflict between civilization and "natural life." Huck represents natural life through his freedom of spirit, uncivilized ways, and desire to escape from civilization. How is freedom a theme in Huckleberry Finn? The Theme of Freedom Huck wants freedom to be his own person, and Jim wants freedom that will allow him to return to his wife and children. When Huck moves away from his abusive father to live with Widow Douglas, he believes he will experience freedom. What he finds is a life that, in his mind,…